Night raids. Necromancers. Witch kings. Prophets.
The Bible is a piercing drama, a tale of prophets and wandering spirits, heroic mothers and flashing swords, cosmic mountains and dry, shadowy Sheol. It is a true story that defines the nature and purpose of reality, and its claims are astonishing.
But few modern readers experience the Bible that way.
This book draws upon years of research to illuminate the story of the Bible through the lives of six kingly characters. From Adam to Jesus, The Paradise King combines thrilling retellings of famous stories with cutting-edge scholarship and robust theology to explore topics such as the Bible’s picture of evil, its sophisticated supernatural worldview, and its complex picture of the human condition.
The result is a stunning portrait of Jesus of Nazareth, the king and God and sacrifice who conquered death and overthrew the spiritual powers of this world and whose offer remains open to all: Follow me, come home to reality, and heal your humanity.
About Blaine
I’m a writer and teacher from Peyton, Colorado. For the past ten years I’ve built teaching platforms to help the Church thrive in late modernity.
I like to read, write, and talk about culture, history, and theology. In particular, I love to contemplate the Gospel of Jesus and make resources to convey its astonishing beauty.
For those of you wondering about my Church engagement and education, I’m a part of Kindred Church in Colorado Springs and I hold a Master’s degree in Language from the University of British Columbia. Mainly I love to read and follow Jesus in community as he makes it on earth as it is in heaven.
I also like bowhunting, chopping wood, and poetry readings. If any of the resources here help you to directly encounter and follow the God who loves you, I will be very glad.
The Paradise King Podcast
Coming 2024

Other projects I’m a part of:
A blessing
May the Son of God
who is formed in you
grow strong
and immense in you
and become for you
great gladness
and exultation
and perfect joy.
Isaac of Stella